These were two stills specifically requested for use in the program. The penetrating injury required traditional illustration techniques in photoshop

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These are a few frames from a more polished storyboard that went to Novartis Animal Health for approval. Gone

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This was a rapid visualization for an animation combining live action footage with CG content to depict the pathology of

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This storyboard was for an animation for Novartis Animal Health for  a three module program launching the osteoarthritis medication,

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This is a collection of various storyboard cards and pre-viz sketches for an animation detailing the embryological development through the

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Same pallet as some of the other rapid storyboards but in this particular set of drawn frames there was

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This rapid storyboard was for a patient education program on aortic valve and mitral valve repair or replacement. Three

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This rapid storyboard was created while working on a project for Novartis Animal Health for a launch of the

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Done with a ballpoint pen and a highlighter marker this pre-viz was alot of fun. The animation had to

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